Draft educational program (detailed by day)


Students will be allocated to 4 groups of 3-4 students each and will visit Laboratories of the Medical School and departments of the University Hospital to observe activities associated with the care of patients and research on dementia. This will be from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm, to give time for a short break and reaching the lecture venue

Participating laboratories/departments

  1. Neurology Department (University Hospital, Building 3, 4th floor)
  2. Neurology Laboratory (Medical School, Wing 5C )
  3. Neurology Department Memory Clinic (University Hospital, Ground Floor)
  4. Internal Medicine Department (University Hospital, Building 3, 3rd floor)
  5. Geriatric Outpatient Clinic (University Hospital, Ground Floor)
  6. Psychiatry Department (University Hospital, Building 3, 1st floor)
  7. Day Center for Alzheimer (University Hospital, Building 3, 1st floor)
  8. Regenerative Pharmacology Laboratory (Medical School, Wing 1B)
  9. Museum of Medicine (Medical School)
  10. Day Center for Alzheimer (Association of Alzheimer, Heraklion downtown)
11/7 12/7 13/7 14/7 17/7 18/7 19/7 20/7
Neurology Department A B C
Neurology Memory Clinic D C
Neurology/Neurogenetics Laboratory B,C A,D
Internal Medicine Department A C D
Geriatric Outpatient Clinic B
Psychiatry Department A B
Day Center University Hospital C D
Charalambopoulos lab A B C D
Museum of Medicine B,A D,C
Day Center Alilegii (18:00-19:30) C,D A,B
Day Off D B A C

Lectures (all at Anagnostirio 2, Medical School- main summer school venue)

Through zoom (in coloured letters) or in person, 3-hour classes, at 1pm each day (except for the first day: 9 am), with the aim to be interactive:

Week 1

Day 1 (Monday, July 10th) Welcome, Neurological examination, group allocation (I. Zaganas)
Dementia, Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), Mild Behavioral
Impairment (MBI): definitions, clinical picture (I. Zaganas)
Day 2 (Tuesday, July 11th) Dementia: an overview (N. Scarmeas)
Alzheimer’s Disease (I. Zaganas)
Day 3 (Wednesday, July 12th) Dementia beyond the cognitive pathology (C. Lyketsos)
Molecular pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease (N. Robakis)
Day 4 (Thursday, July 13th) Frontotemporal dementia (E. Kapaki)
Lewy body dementia (I. Zaganas)
Day 5 (Friday, July 14th) Vascular Dementia (P. Mitsias)
Neuroimaging in dementia (E. Papadaki)
Nuclear medicine in dementia (S. Koukouraki)

Week 2

Day 1 (Monday, July 17th) Current and emerging genetic and other biomarkers in dementia (I. Zaganas)
Neuropsychological evaluation (E. Papastefanakis, P. Simos)
Cognitive training (E. Papastefanakis, P. Simos)
The role of sleep in cognitive disorders (M. Basta)
Day 2 (Tuesday, July 18th) Frailty and its relation to dementia in the elderly (S. Panagiotakis)
The role of primary/family care in dementia (I. Tsiligianni)
Day 3 (Wednesday, July 19th) Stress and the Etiopathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease and Depression (I. Sotiropoulos)
Research on dementia pathophysiology (I. Charalambopoulos)
Treatment research landscape in dementia - future therapeutic expectations (M. Tsolaki)
Day 4 (Thursday, July 20th) Final Test (I. Zaganas)
Evaluation section (Students)
Concluding Remarks (I. Zaganas)
Students will be also rotate in various Laboratories and Departments of the University of Crete and the University Hospital of Heraklion (in the Pathology Department to see brain tissue slides, in the Nuclear Medicine Department to see the PET/SPECT facilities, the Radiology Department to visit the MRI facility, the Neurology Department, the Psychiatry Department, the Internal Medicine Department, the Day Center for Alzheimer, Research Laboratories in the Medical School of the University of Crete etc).
4 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) Credits will be awarded